The month of October is a very special month, we have several reasons to start thinking not only about our collective community, but also our individual selves. October is the first month of Autumn, the early portions of the month are set aside to talk about the hazards and precautions associated with mostly Breast Cancers, secondly , other forms of Cancers. The mid portion of the month is associated with National Coming Out Day (the reason for my post), and the latter portion is associated with of course Halloween or All Hallow's Eve. With so many reasons to post in the month of October, I thought it would be my first priority to something to make us all think. Some of my posts, will be very political based , others will be theological based, others(I dare say, most) will be some where in the middle, this will be the first example of one where I am going to be speaking to the "whole" person, both scientifically, and theologically.
When looking at National Coming Out Day, not only do a large portion of people have to come out, not only as being supportive of the LGBT community, but also what has become known as the gay church, even more so in the African American community . It is important to think that not only do we come out, but Christ came out (some argue about when that technically was) in his own ministry(the office of Christ) but it happened none the less.
The first group I would like to talk about in relation to National Coming Out Day is the actual reason that they came out with the day in general, LGBT people . I came out to my family two years ago, it was actually started nine months before National Coming Out Day, and was actually reaching it's culmination right in October. My story is not a short story, so therefore, to long to take up this post, but it took many years, and much analysis to actually not only figure out why but also how I am different. My story however is not an rarity. Psychologist/Counselor training programs are actually revising the number of how many people are LGBT from 10% to 15%. Whether it be lesbians or gays or transgenders, all of our population needs to be considered when making laws, and I am meaning that we are not discriminated against. That in the end, the rights of minority are NOT trampled upon by the majority, whether it be in the ballot box or the work place or the educational institutions. One also can not forget the actually sanctuaries. Another facet ( I don't want to even wager how big this facet is, but a facet nonetheless), are people who are on the DOWNLOW, whether it be for political or social reasons, or any other reason. Firstly, let me say, it is no help to either you or the people you are trying to protect, because it doesn't. Whether it is through the lying or through the possible spread of disease. This is worse even in the African American Community.
We as the people of God, have a very important place in terms of the creation, and by it, not only did Jesus, the savior of humanity not only live every desire, but also every feeling by being not only fully human but also fully God. When you look at the life of Our Lord and Savior , we can see Jesus not only coming out as Messiah but also the perfect sacrifice. There are two points in Christs life where I see Jesus coming "out" of the hidden in the bright light of the public. Those two points are Wedding at Cana and the Transfiguration. The most important one that actually shows him coming out to me, is the Wedding at Cana. At this point in Christ's life, we see something very important to the time of Jesus but also to our culture, a wedding. Jesus is sitting at the table as a guest, and what happens, they run out of wine. From there we all know the story, Jesus is bade by his mother, to help with the situation, and Jesus at first says "The time is not yet at hand", but then he eventually does as his mother says and commands the servants to fill pitchers with water, which he turns into wine. This was Christ coming out, he officially steps from the quietness of obscurity into the spotlight of public and not only public life but also ministry. Not just the jews, but also the greeks and every other gentile, male and female. After this he spent a little more than three years traveling over the Israel countryside healing lepers, preaching the Gospel, and proclaiming the glory of the Lord.
Like Christ did two thousand eleven years ago, the church is also in the middle of a coming out process. Some parts of the body of Christ fully support full inclusion of their LGBT brothers and Sisters, others are on a journey of acceptance, others stand at the door like the armed gaurds in Alabama in pre-Civil Rights south. The United Church of Christ, the Metropolitan Community Church, the Affirming Pentecostal International, and countless others are leading the charge for FULL LGBT inclusion in all facets of the Body of Christ. Other churches, such as the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Presbyterians are making transitions in acceptance. Unfortunately there are still those who stand at the door. My prayer is that those who stand at the door will listen to the testimony of US, the people who in most cases have been part of their communion table since they were young, and thrown out, not because of something they "chose" as some would believe, that is as natural as eye color and height and many other traits that are not chosen by the individual.
Peace and blessings on this National Coming Out Day,